2023 - Suburbia: mothermother Iteration 22

Iteration 22 includes work by Philippa Blair, Stella Brennan, Layla Rudneva-Mackay, The Estate of L.Budd, Inga Fillary, Natalie Tozer, Teresa Peters, Maree Horner, Ekaterina Dimieva, Monique Lacey, Rebecca Wallis, Kelly Pretty, Janet Mazenier, Lillie Balfour, Rose Meyer, Robyn Walton, Jana Wood, Michelle Mayn, Kiriana O’Connell, Jessica Douglas, Lucy Boermans, Karen Rubado, Tori Beeche, Susan Nelson, Melanie Arnold and Caitlin Devoy.

Suburbia - exploring the pleasures and anxieties of the sub-urban: what is allowed, what is excluded… and what could be.

Exploring the forces that shape the sub-urban space.  Envisaged as a dynamic organism, an amorphous metropolis(1) concentrically (2) developing in close connection to packed cities and idealised rural expanses.  The periphery holds a promise of the new - a pristine family paradise of generic cultures and communities. . .that change with time as new cultures and communities settle in a fragmented mosaic(3) of life.  While ever-present developmental forces determine its growth and slowly changing form.

(1)   Amorphous – without a central focus (Jon Teaford, 2011.  Suburbia and Post-suburbia: A Brief History)
(2)   Concentric – “like onions on a rope” (Graeme Davison, 2013. The Suburban Idea and Its Enemies, Journal of Urban History.)
PeripherÄ“s – revolving around; on the edge
Centripetal – the pull…towards a centre
(3)   Fragment – it is a kind of mosaic, composed of all the varied fragments of life and society.  (William R. Thibodeaux, 2022)